Sunday, January 19, 2014

National It's Okay To Be Different Month

So, you know that song that states, “One of these things is not like the other”? Well, that’s what today’s post is all about – being different. January is National It’s Okay To Be Different Month. 
You know, it’s always struck me as odd that society makes such a big deal over those who are different, when really I can’t name any two people that are exactly the same. Why does society strive to push us towards conformity, when it’s unrealistic to think that everybody can be the same? I mean, sure, many of us share similar interests. But, that doesn’t mean we are the same. Okay, so maybe my feelings on this matter are the result of being that “different” kid. In fact, pretty well my entire life, I have been the kid who was unlike the rest. For starters I was from the only family whose parents were divorced growing up, and actually had parents tell my mother they couldn’t hang out with me for that reason. I had my own style, I was taller than everyone, I had red hair, I dyed it, I had my nose pierce when I was in grade 5, the list goes on. I was different. But, you know what, I actually value that about myself. Sure, it may feel good to be accepted, and to sometimes “fit in” with what’s “normal,” but really, it feels even better to be able to walk with my head held high, knowing that who I am is perfectly fine. So, this month (although I realize by the time this is posted it’s almost over), embrace what makes you different, because there is nothing wrong with it. It is, indeed, okay to be different. And, I’d even go so far as to say, there’s nothing better than being different!
Speaking of being different…apparently there are several different Sesame Street "One of these things" videos. Check them out...

And, so, so many more!

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