Wednesday, June 11, 2014

National Drive Safe Month/National Safety Month

June is home to National Drive Safe Month AND Nation Safety Month. Perhaps this is because the weather starts to get nicer at this time of year, and so we become a little bit reckless. 
Interestingly, when I looked up the history of National Drive Safe Month, the only results I found relating to the theme were “teen safe driving tips.” This, to an extent, I can understand, but I think it’s awfully naïve of anyone to assume they are the only unsafe drivers. From my own experience, it’s those of us who have been away from drivers-ed for an extended period of time that are the most reckless. However, I have also witnessed my fair share of “invincible” teen drivers. I just think it’s important to recognize that we all have moments; no one is exempt from this!  
Now, aside from driving safe, we should just be safe in general, hence National Safety Month. According to the National Safety Council, the purpose of this theme is to “bring attention to key safety issues.” The theme for this year is “Safety: It takes all of us.” This basically surrounds ideas of risk reduction from preventing drug abuse, to “slips, trips and falls,” to the Council’s bonus theme of summer safety tips! This by no means suggests we need to wrap ourselves in bubble wrap, but, it does attempt to make us aware of our actions in relation to the level of risk involved. So…just be safe, okay?

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