Sunday, September 22, 2013

National Elephant Appreciation Day

Well, a bit of a switch from yesterday…Happy National Elephant Appreciation Day!
Elephants are pretty amazing creatures. Perhaps this is why today we are showing our appreciation of them. What makes them so awesome you ask? Well, they:

·      Have the longest pregnancies (22 months)
·      Can be homosexual
·      Have intense social interactions, usually led by a strong female!
·      Live long lives, and then mourn their dead, much in the same way we humans do!
·      Have been around for a long time…they’ve seen dinosaurs first hand!
·      They have trunks.
·      They are highly intelligent!
·      They can recognize themselves in a mirror!
·      They can swim, and use their trunks as a snorkel!
·      They have amazing memories!

Did you know that elephants don’t like peanuts?! I tried to find out where this myth originated from, but this is apparently a much more difficult task than I had anticipated.

So, are you convinced that we need to be more appreciative of elephants yet? Watch this Nature of Things documentary on elephants!

Exercise your inner elephant, and don’t forget to vote on the Daily Poll!

*for a list of sources please contact us at

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