Monday, March 31, 2014

March Monthly Poll

It's that time again - the Monthly Poll has arrived! To vote, click here! 
Remember, you have until the end of April to vote. The results will be shared shortly after! Check soon for the first post in April!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

International Francophone Month

Bonjour! Aujourd’hui, nous parlons de mois Internationale de la Francophonie. Got that? It’s International Francophone Month!

What’s a francophone you ask? Well, it’s someone who speaks French as their “primary language, whether referring to individuals, groups, or places.”

I’m unsure what the significance of hosting the this theme in March is, but I can tell you that the purpose is to celebrate the “dynamic and vibrant community.” French is recognized as one of the two official languages in Canada. In fact, 9.5 million Canadians are considered to be francophone. French is spoken in many other countries around the globe, as well.  
So, get yer French on this month! À la prochaine, mes amis!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Epilepsy Awareness Month

March also happens to be Epilepsy Awareness Month. For those of you that do not know, Epilepsy is “a symptom of a neurological disorder - a physical condition - that from time to time produces brief disturbances in the normal electrical functions of the brain.” It is estimated that 300 000 Canadians are living with Epilepsy. 
The purpose of Epilepsy Awareness Month is to bring awareness to the disorder and attempt to remove the stigma associated with it. By doing so, the hope is that those afflicted by the disease will be able to speak about living with Epilepsy without feeling ashamed. Celebrate Epilepsy Awareness Month and help to remove the shame and stigma from the disorder!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

National Colon Cancer Month

A switch to a more serious theme of March National Months – National Colon Cancer Month. 
Colon Cancer Canada suggests “Colon cancer is the second leading cause of both male and female cancer-related deaths in Canada. In 2013, an estimated 23,900 Canadians were diagnosed with colon cancer.” And, if you think that’s intimidating, nearly half of those diagnosed dies as a result. However, this form of cancer is actually one of the most preventable, as 90% of early detections lead to a full recovery – hence the purpose of the month-long event. 
Starting the discussion, and taking the fear and/or embarrassment away from it can, in fact, actually save lives. And, that’s something I think we can all get ‘behind!’

Thursday, March 06, 2014

National Nutrition Month

March is home to National Nutrition Month! According to the Dietitians of Canada, the purpose of National Nutrition Month is to “remind us of the importance of healthy eating and the positive impact nutrition has on our health and well-being.”
Like many National events, such as this, each year, the presenting organization takes on a different theme. This year, the theme is “Simply Cook and Enjoy” with the hope that it can inspire families to cook and eat healthy meals together. The literature and promotion for this theme provides readers with “practical advice and cooking and food skills from dietitians.” 
With such a push on healthy eating and active lifestyles, I think this makes for an excellent focus for this year’s event. There’s nothing better than prepping and creating a meal with a group of people! Okay, so maybe there are SOME things better than this, like having someone else cook YOU a meal AND doing the dishes afterwards, but this is a close second. At least this way there are more people to help with the clean up!  
Enjoy a month of nutritious foods and healthy choices! Be well!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

National Professional Social Work Month

Happy National Professional Social Work Month! This is the first of the March monthly celebrations!  
Professional Social Workers play an important role in our society. Social work is “a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the quality of life and subjective well-being of individuals, groups, and communities through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, crisis intervention, and teaching for the benefit of those affected by social disadvantages such as poverty, mental and physical illness or disability, and social injustice, including violations of their civil liberties and human rights.” (Say that all in one mouthful!) 
As a result of the importance social workers play in the lives of anyone requiring their assistance, I think it’s only fitting that these hardworking men and women are rewarded with a Month showcasing the work they do. I think some of us (myself included) take for granted the struggles others face, as we ourselves, may be fortunate enough not to require their assistance. So, here’s to healthier communities, and the people who dedicate their lives to building them through support and guidance when times are tough!