September 1 - National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
No Rhyme or No Reason?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 2 - National Beheading Day
Do you think beheadings should be the common form of capital punishment?
Total Votes: 4 |
September 3 - National Skyscraper Day
What's the highest floor you've ever been on?
- 110 - original World Trade Centre
Total Votes: 1
September 4 - National Drive Your Studebaker Day
What brand of vehicle do you prefer?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 5 - National Be Late for Something Day
What is the one thing you hate to be late for?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 6 - National Fight Procrastination Day
On a scale from 1 to 10, how frequently do you find yourself procrastinating?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 7 - National Neither Snow Not Rain Day
What would you rather?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 8 - National Literacy Day
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much thought do you give your ability to read?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 9 - National Teddy Bear Day
Which is better?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 10 - National Swap Ideas Day
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important do you think the meaning behind this day is?
Total Votes: 0
September 11 - National Make Your Bed Day
Do you make your bed?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 12 - National Video Games Day
What is your favourite video game?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 13 - National Helicopter Day
Have you ever gone for a helicopter ride?
Total Votes: 0
September 14 - National Cream-Filled Donut Day
Do you like cream-filled donuts?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 15 - National Make A Hat Day
Will you make a hat today?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 16 - National Collect Rocks Day
What rock characteristic will be most important to your collection?
Total Votes: 0
September 17 - National Apple Dumpling Day
How do you like to eat apple dumplings?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 18 - National Cheeseburger Day
Which chain makes the best cheeseburger?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 19 - International Talk Like A Pirate Day
What be yer favourite pirate movie?
Total Votes: 3 |
September 20 - National Student Day
Do you think education is a right or a privilege?
Total Votes: 4 |
September 21 - World Gratitude Day
What are you grateful for?
Total Votes: 2 |
*Note: The "Other" votes were for: "For knowing your mom as well as I did" and "smiles"
September 22 - National Elephant Appreciation Day
What fact about elephants were you most surprised to learn?
Total Votes: 3 |
September 23 - National Celebrate Bisexuality Day
On a scale of 1 to 10, how relevant do you think one's sexual orientation is to their overall value to society?
Total Votes: 1 |
September 24 - National Punctuation Day
What is your favourite punctuation?
%20%5B0%5D%7C'%20%5B0%5D%7C%22%20%5B0%5D%7C%2C%20%5B0%5D%7C%2F%20%5B0%5D%7C-%20%5B0%5D%7C...%20%5B0%5D%7COther%20%5B0%5D&chco=0000e0&chd=e%3AAAAAAA..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) |
Total Votes: 1 |
September 25 - National One Hit Wonder Day
What is your favourite One Hit Wonder song?
Total Votes: 8 |
September 26 - National Pancake Day
What's your favourite type of pancake?
Total Vote: 3 |
September 27 - National Good Neighbour Day
Do you think Mr. Rogers would be a good neighbour?
Total Votes: 2 |
September 28 - National Ask A Question Day
What is the stupidest question you've ever heard?
- This is more of a stupid answer: When a girl I know was asked on an English test what genre her book was, she answered, "Female"
Total Votes: 1
September 29 - National Coffee Day
What do you take in your coffee?
Total Votes: 5 |
September 30 - National Hot Mulled Cider Day
What's your favourite type of hot mulled cider?
Total Votes: 4 |
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