October 2013 Poll Results

October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
Would you ever consider becoming a vegetarian?
Total Votes: 5
October 2 - National Name Your Car Day
Have you ever named your car?
Total Votes: 2
October 3 - National Techie Day
Would you consider yourself to be a techie?
Total Votes: 4

October 4 - National Taco Day
Are you a __ taco person?
Total Votes: 3
October 5 - National Long Walk Day
Where do you like to go for walks?
Total Votes: 2
October 6 - National Noodle Day
What is your favourite shape of noodle?
Total Votes: 3
October 7 - National Bathtub Day
Do you prefer to...
Total Votes: 2
October 8 - National American Touch Football Day
Do you think being 'it' is the worst part of playing tag?
Total Votes: 3
October 9 - National Face Your Fears Day
What is your biggest fear?

  • Fear

Total Votes: 1

October 10 - National Tuxedo Day
On a scale from 1 to 10, how awesome do you think tuxedos are?
Total Votes: 1
October 11 - National Sausage Pizza Day
What do you think about sausage on pizza?
Total Votes: 1
October 12 - National Moment of Frustration Scream Day
Do you feel like a good scream provides temporary stress relief?
Total Votes: 2
October 13 - National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work or School Day
If it weren't on a Sunday, would you bring your Teddy Bear with you to work or school?
Total Votes: 2
October 14 - National Chocolate Covered Insects Day
Would you eat chocolate covered insects?
Total Votes: 2
October 15 - Global Hand-Washing Day
Do you feel the need to constantly wash your hands?
Total Vote:3
October 16 - World Food Day
What's the longest you've ever gone without eating?
Total Votes: 3
October 17 - National Pasta Day
Do you think Pasta should be in it's own food group?
Total Votes: 1
*Apparently who ever this one vote is does not feel the same as I do about pasta!

October 18 - National Long Distance Day
What's the furthest distance you've ever travelled?
Total Votes: 4
*Note: The "Other" vote was for: "Vegas baby!"

October 19 - National Evaluate Your Life Day
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you evaluate your life?
Total Votes: 2
October 20 - National Bridge Day
When you cross over a bridge (in a vehicle) do you follow the superstition of 'lifting your feet up and holding up the ceiling'?
Total Votes: 3
October 21 - National Reptile Awareness Day
Jurassic Park was meant to allow tourists to experience what life would have been like during "the Ago of the Reptile." If this park really existed, would you want to go?
Total Votes: 1
Total Votes: 2
October 23 - National Boston Cream Pie Day
Do you agree that Boston Cream Pie should be a cake or pie?
Total Votes: 4
October 24 - National Bologna Day
How do you like your bologna?
Total Votes: 2
*Note: The "Other vote was for "Never"

October 25 - National Greasy Foods Day
What is your favourite greasy food?
Total Votes: 2
October 26 - National Howl at the Moon Day
Do you regularly find yourself howling at a full moon?
Total Votes: 1
October 28 - International Animation Day
What's your favourite brand of animation?
Total Votes: 1
*Note: The "Other: vote was for "Adventure Time"

October 29 - National Oatmeal Day
Total Votes: 2
October 30 - National Candy Corn Day
Do you like candy corn?
Total Votes: 2
October 31 - National Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
Do you believe people really have psychic abilities?
Total Votes: 1

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