Monday, December 16, 2013

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

Today is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Sure, we’ve tackled chocolate covered raisins and chocolate covered insects this year, but this day is pretty much wide open. 
Chocolate covered food items have been a growing industry, with items from raisins, peanuts, and coffee beans to bacon, and even chili peppers! It seems like these days people are coating anything in chocolate, and I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this! Don’t get me wrong, I like the occasional chocolate covered coffee bean when I’m in need of that energy boost, or just feel like getting the caffeine shakes, but sometimes I wonder if we’ve gone a bit overboard here. I’ll admit, chocolate is certainly not in my top 5 go to snack foods, nor would I consider it a comfort food. I crave it every once in a while, but more often than not, I’m likely to pass. Even before I found out I’m allergic to virtually all commercial chocolate (even the non-milk chocolate varieties appear to contain copious amounts of milk these days!), I wasn’t really a fan, but the friends I have who are chocoholics, if you will, have really taken to this chocolate covered craze! 
Perhaps the best part of having this Day at this time of year is that it’s the Holiday Season, so I’m pretty sure calories don’t count! Bon appetite! Don’t forget to vote on the Daily Poll! You can click here to do so!

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