Friday, May 09, 2014

National Military Appreciation Month

The month of May marks National Military Appreciation Month. This is an American celebration of its Military personnel, which was instituted in 1999. Showing appreciation to the military is something that happens in many cultures around the world, not just the United States. Throughout the month there are several celebrations such as parades and discounts for those serving.
 To be honest, I struggle with this one. Don’t get me wrong, I think that those who are in the military work hard and have to make a lot of sacrifices (time away from family, high-risk work environments, etc.), but, I also think it’s weird how society seems to idolize these men and women for a career that THEY selected. Again, I do recognize that many and most work hard, and believe they are making a difference…but are they? I mean, when you think of it, the Western-style of help, particularly in recent years, appears to be nothing more than going into a country who’s beliefs and practices are different from our own, and imposing FORCING our way of life on them. How is that helping? Especially when you see how our own societal norms and traditions are failing us! We don’t have a perfect system in the Global North, so what gives us the right to place our own values on the Global South?! In this day and age, wouldn’t you think we’d learn that this is not beneficial to any of us? Wouldn’t you think we’d have learned by now that violence and bullying doesn’t result in positive outcomes? Wouldn’t you think that we’d have learned that if we approach things rationally, we are more likely to achieve better results? Military is big business…perhaps that’s exactly what needs to change.

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