Monday, January 21, 2013

National Granola Bar/National Hugging Day

Happy National Granola Bar Day! This is exciting day! And, if you’re as excited about a day dedicated to granola bars, it gets better! Today is also National Hugging Day! Two awesome things, one day…this is almost too much!

Interesting Granola Fact: Granola bars where invented by a guy named Stanley Mason. Granola bars come in many flavors, textures and sizes. They are also usually marketed as a healthy snack option, but are actually a good source of unhealthy carbs, calories and sugar! Homemade ones are the best by far. My Mom makes terrific ones for me in my University care packages. She puts all kinds of fun stuff in them: sesame seeds, flax, sunflower seeds, nuts, raisins, and sometimes dried cherries or cranberries. Bottom line, when purchasing granola bars, be sure to check ingredients and nutritional information. And if all else fails, make your own. There are many recipes online, and they’re fairly easy to make (…even I can make them!).

Hug time! Wikipedia defines a hug as “a near universal form of physical intimacy, in which two people put their arms around the neck, back, or waist of one another and hold each other closely.” Furthermore, sometimes the best hugs are group hugs. This is when the above definition is extended to include three or more people. Hugging is one of the greatest things ever. Having a bad day? Feeling sad? Just need a little kick in your step? Hugs solve it! Don’t know how? Here’s a step-by-step instruction guide to hugging! 

So here’s my challenge to you: if you see someone eating a granola bar, give him or her an oaty, honey smothered, grainy, granola bar goodness hug! Note: please be mindful of laws when taking on this challenge…we in no way are encouraging an increased risk of obtaining a restraining order!        

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