Monday, January 07, 2013

National Tempura Day

Every so often my friend, Katie, and I take a drive to the local All-You-Can-Eat-Sushi joint, where we participate in an obnoxious game of “how many more until we feel sick but not so sick that we want to stop ordering food”/eating as much as we can before being politely asked to leave. One of the offerings on this menu is an array of various types of tempura. And, since today is National Tempura Day, it only seems fitting that we should take part in a little tempura action!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with tempura, let me let you in on a little “not so secret” secret. Tempura is a Japanese dish in which a particular type of food (I enjoy pumpkin or yam, and the occasional shrimp), is coated in a batter and then deep fried. While this is a Japanese dish, it actually originated in Japan through Portuguese missionaries some time in the 16th century. Traditionally, tempura is either a vegetable or type of seafood, but has grown to include other items, such as tofu and chicken.

So, now that we've covered the basics, why not let us know your favourite type of tempura!?


  1. ... the "occasional" shrimp??

  2. As in, "not sushi form" shrimp tempura. Which if that were the case, we'd know that, that was a little more than "occasional"!
