Wednesday, January 02, 2013

National Science Fiction Day/Personal Trainer Awareness Day

A day of conflicting Holidays! Happy National Science Fiction Day AND National Personal Trainer Awareness Day everyone! Now, I don’t want to make any suggestions that might negate the importance of Personal Trainers, but I do find it odd that they share the same day as Science Fiction Day. Some might argue that the torture inflicted upon an individual from their PT isn’t all that unlike the actions of any given villain in a Sci-Fi work. Alien… Predator… Darth Vader… Robert Pattinson’s attempt to sound American throughout the Twilight series… In all seriousness, PT’s make life miserable in the short-term, while giving the skills and encouragement needed to help many over the long-term. Sure, Burpees feel like a vicious death by a shiver (that’s right, a group of sharks is called a shiver!) of food-deprived sharks munching on your entire body, but at the end of the day, they’re worth it! So give it up for those Personal Trainers and the work they do!

Have any Personal Training mishap stories or care to share your favorite Sci-Fi film, show, book, etc? Let us know below!

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