Wednesday, October 09, 2013

National Face Your Fears Day

Oh boy, today is a toughy! Today is National Face Your Fears Day! 

For me, this is both terrifying and yet something I try to do as often as possible! Sometimes facing your fears means doing something extravagant, but it can also be small simple things. I have social anxiety, so sometimes just leaving the house is a fear I am forced to face. However, I also like to do more large scale “fear-facing” if you will! 

A few years ago, I spent 10 days in Alaska, which was a trip I did by myself. This allowed me to face my fear of being alone, and travelling on my own, yet it turned out to be one of the best adventures of my life! I also went (attempted) scuba diving, and failed miserably, but, hey, I tried it and I kind of did it. Would I do it again? Maybe. But I’m not going to rush out and do it. And even this past weekend, I went on a Vision Quest. I’m super inexperienced in the woods, and am terrified of being eaten by some kind of wild animal. As you can tell, I survived this journey, and even successfully built my first fire. 

The point is, in order to make ourselves stronger as human beings and as individuals we need to challenge ourselves. We need to do things that scare us. We need to push beyond our perceived limits. THAT is how we grow. So today I challenge you to face a fear! Tell us what that is in the comments section below or on Facebook and while you’re at it, vote on the Daily Poll

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