Wednesday, February 06, 2013

National Frozen Yogurt Day

Well, if it isn’t National Frozen Yogurt Day! This delicious ice cream alternative focused day offers great reason to celebrate! It has all the taste of ice cream, but with a lower fat content!

Frozen yogurt originated in the eastern United States sometime in the 1970’s. It didn’t become a household staple until the late 1980s, though. Frozen yogurt held 10% of the frozen desert market by the early 1990s. Most frozen yogurts consist of the following ingredients: milk solids, milk fat, some form of sweetener, and yogurt bacteria culture! (Mmmmm milk solids/fat!) They also contain some degree of artificial flavoring. Today, frozen yogurt comes in many different flavors, making it even easier to switch from ice cream.

All the best for a most wonderful National Frozen Yogurt Day! And while it may not be round two of National Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, we'll take what we can get! However, it may very well be possible for a certain someone to enjoy what they may or may not have requested to be National Vanilla Chocolate Swirl Frozen Yogurt Day! 

Note: Freezing regular yogurt does not produce the same result…avoid at all costs!

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