Sunday, May 12, 2013

National Limerick Day

There once was a National holiday, 
To celebrate poetic words at play, 
Anyone can write one, 
They can really be fun, 
So have a Happy National Limerick Day! 

Okay, so I’m terrible at creating poetry specifically about that type of poetry…or any poetry really! Although, once I wrote a haiku about Canadian politics, and I can an A for it, so, maybe I’ve got some skills after all!  (Just go with me on this one…)

Limericks are “a short, humorous, often ribald or nonsense poem.” They often have a rhyming scheme of AABBA, and originated in the early 18th century, in England. It was Edward Lear who made this style of poetry popular. He wrote 212 limericks and two books!

Fun Limerick Fact: The first known use of the term “limerick” to describe this type of poem was in a Saint John, New Brunswick newspaper in 1880! Yay for Canadian contributions!

            Think this was fun? Check out today’s poll by clicking here


  1. My friend Emily once made a wish,
    That everyday she would eat a nice dish,
    She tried Beep and Bacon,
    But knew she was taken,
    By the combo of rice and raw fish!


  2. To my dearest friend Katie,
    Who I hope is still one when we're 80!
    You make my life great,
    Another sushi date?
    You're the best fabulous lady!

    PS: That was an excellent Limerick! I'm super impressed! I gotta step up my game!
