Tuesday, May 07, 2013

National Space Day

Today is National Space Day! While the thought of this day may be exciting to some, it actually terrifies me (almost as much as the ocean!).

Space can be defined as “the void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.” What exactly does that mean, you ask? Well, it’s basically everything outside of Earth, although Earth is a part of it. It’s the solar system, galaxy, you name it! It includes the sun, the stars (which are really just a bunch of far, or further, away suns), and all the planets, as well. Many associate space with alien or extraterrestrial life forms, which goes back to National Extraterrestrial Abductions Day! This is what most people get scared of when thinking about space, but who doesn’t love everyone’s favourite loveable alien, E.T.? 

For me, however, it’s the idea of looking out and seeing planet Earth in front of me. The thought of that is completely overwhelming, and I do not like it! That being said, I think the take off part would be mighty fun!

You know what else is fun? Filling out the daily poll

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