Sunday, November 03, 2013

National Sandwich Day

Today is National Sandwich Day! 

A sandwich is “a food item commonly consisting of two or more slices of bread, with one or more fillings between them.” The earliest sandwich dates back to just prior to what we now refer to as the Common Era. A Jewish sage by the name of Hillel the Elder was known for making a sandwich of sorts during Passover, using flatbread, lamb, and herbs. In Europe, during the Middle Ages, a variation of the sandwich, known as a trencher, was often served to dogs at wealthy dinner tables. From there, sandwiches evolved into a source of nourishment when drinking. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that sandwiches became a staple food. Once they caught on in the United States, they were promoted heavily as an excellent option for dinner, which is thought to have derived from the amount of bread found in the American diet. Today, there are many varieties of sandwiches, and make an adequate lunch option if you aren’t at home. Kids often find these in their school lunches and consist of a variety of fillings. 

So, there you have it. Now how abouts you vote on the Daily Poll?! Click here to do so! 

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