Saturday, November 09, 2013

World Freedom Day

It’s World Freedom Day, eh?! Hmmm…I’m unsure of this one. I mean, what is “freedom” anyway? 

Well, the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “The state or fact of being free from servitude, constraint, inhibition, etc.; liberty,” which is further defined as “The state or fact of not being subject to despotic or autocratic control, or to a foreign power; civil liberty; independence” or “The state of being able to act without hindrance or restraint; liberty of action” amongst others. Other dictionaries basically define it under the same means, but are worded differently, such as the Merriam Webster Dictionary or Wikipedia who struggles so much to define what it is, it has an entire page of possible meanings to select from. 

It seems that by defining the very meaning of what freedom is goes against being free, does it not? I’m in no way suggesting we shouldn’t work towards finding a common goal of World Freedom, but I just think it’s difficult to be focused on finding something that can’t universally be agreed upon. My vision of freedom is most likely different from yours, or from anyone else’s! Which, is why I find it so interesting that today is not only World Freedom Day, but also National Chaos Never Dies Day. 

Our world is filled with chaos. Everyday people are fighting over what “we” deserve, or what religion is the “right” religion, or whether climate change is happening, or what political party should be in power! It’s never ending. Freedom cannot be achieved unless we all accept that we are nothing more than humans. Humans – just another species in the Kingdom of Animalia. Only once we step back and realize that we aren’t any different than the other species, that surround us and make our lives rich, will we also begin to realize we aren’t “deserving” of anything. 

So, now that I’ve just completely deflated myself, I’m going to think long and hard about freedom and how I see it. I’m going to consider how others might define it and see if I can find any common links to work towards, because even though I don’t think it’s possible in our current state to find world freedom, I can’t allow myself to believe that it isn’t worth trying to find…

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