Sunday, March 10, 2013

International Day of Awesomeness/National Harriet Tubman Day

I apologize for my delay folks, but I was too excited about today, for it’s the International Day of Awesomeness!! Because being awesome is, well, awesome, today is dedicated to all things just that! According to the Oxford dictionary, awesome means “extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring awe.”

Need a little awesome-inspiration? Why not check out the Awesome Foundation! This awesome foundation began in Boston, Massachusetts, USA in 2009, with the purpose of providing individuals and/or groups with $1000 grants to help inspire and create awesomeness. Since then, the Awesome Foundation has opened 63 chapters around the globe! Pretty awesome for a simple idea!

Still not inspired by the awesomeness that is today? Let me tell you about a super cool lady, who is so awesome she has a National Holiday named after her – Harriet Tubman! When is her day, you ask? Well, you guessed it! Today! Harriet Tubman was “an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during the American Civil War”. She was born into slavery sometime in 1820, and died March 10, 1913, at the young age of 93! What makes her story so important? Well, she managed to escape slavery through the Underground Railroad, and once freed fought hard for the rights of those who had yet to be exposed to these same freedoms! Harriet Tubman in life and death inspired many, particularly in the civil rights movement. Today she is remembered for these contributions and has had several schools named after her, along with many other tributes!

So, whether big or small, make your awesomeness shine today! You are AWESOME! What will you do to inspire awesomeness for someone else?

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