Friday, March 22, 2013

World Water Day

Iiiiiiiiitttttttttttttts World Water Day! YAY! Another opportunity to talk about how much I dislike bottled water! Sorry folks…

World Water Day is a day dedicated to education the masses on the importance of making water a human right, and also to bring awareness to the issue that many do not have access to fresh, potable water. In North America, we are fortunate enough, particularly in Canada, to have access to the water sources we do! This is one of the many reasons it drives me crazy that so many people are foolish enough to purchase (single serve) bottles of water! The purpose of this “product” is to sustain us in times of emergency, not because it’s convenient or trendy! The impacts of this practice are terrifying. If we all stopped drinking bottled water “just because” many of our environmental issues wouldn’t exist!

So, I give you homework! Here are a few docs to watch, so that you can understand the impacts of your decisions.

Tapped           Garbage Island          Flow - For the Love of Water

Also, here’s a Water.Org campaign from spokesperson, Matt Damon. While I think he brings attention to the issue, I’m not sure his “protest” is taken seriously in the delivery of this video. Thoughts?

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