Monday, March 04, 2013

National Pound Cake Day

It’s National Pound Cake Day! A day to celebrate a cake with a misleading name, because I’m pretty sure you can gain more than a pound eating that stuff!

Pound cake is a “type of cake traditionally made with a pound of each of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar.” These cakes can come in different sizes, but is still considered to be a “pound cake” as long as the ratio of 1:1:1:1 is still in play. They are typically coated in sugar, glazing, or icing. Pound cakes can vary around the world, even though they basically are the same – a cultural flair if you will! The American version, is the traditional one, the British use caster sugar instead of white sugar, Columbians soak the pound cake in wine mixed with either cream or sugar, the French add chocolate or lemon to the mix, Germany bases their ration on the amount of egg in the recipe, and Mexicans had a little walnut or raisin action! So there you have it! No matter what culture you are apart of may you enjoy some pound cake today! Perhaps even branch out and try one of the variations!

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