Thursday, March 21, 2013

National Single Parent’s Day

Today is National Single Parent’s Day. As I’m not sure single parents get enough credit, I think this day is extremely important! I, myself, grew up with a single Mom who remains to be one of the most amazing and inspiring people I have ever known. She is smart, compassionate, friendly, kind, and strong! I know for sure I would not be the person I am today without her. She always put my brother and I first (and still continues to do so, although, I think she’s finally starting to put herself first now), and made endless sacrifices to ensure our health and happiness. She’s one of my heroes (my brother and my grandfather – her father – are the others)!

We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, but she made what we had go a long way. In fact, most times, we had no idea how little we had. She used her creativity to provide us with countless hours of fun, with what we now tease her for, doing crafts! We did crafts all the time, sometimes inviting the entire neighborhood in to participate. Pretty awesome for someone struggling to make ends meet.

I know I’m not the only person whose parents are no longer together. I also know I’m not the only one lucky enough to have a parent as supportive and understanding as my Mom. Even though it makes me sad when she tells me she thinks she wasn’t a good Mom, I think the best thing she did for us was make mistakes, and not be afraid to do so. This taught us to follow our hearts, and not to be afraid to fail. Note: I’m in no way suggesting my Mom has failed, just that in her recognition that she is not perfect, we (my brother and I) do not feel as though we must be either. Instead, we strive to be the best we can be, and have a better understanding of the impact one person can make on the world, no matter how big or small that world might be!

So to my Mom, and all the other single parents out there, I say thank you! It can’t be easy tackling such a hard job, but you do it without complaint. Thank you for always being there for us, and making us feel like we’re important. 

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