Sunday, August 04, 2013

National Mustard Day

Happy National Mustard Day! Now, I’m assuming we’re talking about the condiment here, so let’s see what we can dig up on it!

Mustard is “a condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant” in which “the whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seeds are mixed with water, salt, lemon juice, or other liquids, and sometimes other flavorings and spices, to create a paste or sauce ranging in color from bright yellow to dark brown.” Mustard has many uses, from sandwich spread to the tanginess of nice salad dressing. It is one of the most popular spices used throughout the world!
(Image found at:
Time for a little history… It is thought that the Romans were the first to use the seeds of the mustard plant as a condiment. Unfermented grape juice, mixed with the ground seeds was their recipe of choice. It is uncertain when exactly the Romans began using mustard. However, sometime within the 10th century, the use of mustard began to spread, beginning first with Paris and then throughout many other parts of Europe in the centuries to follow. However, France in particular took to perfecting and experimenting with mustard more so than anywhere else in the world. In wasn’t until 1904 that the bright yellow “hot dog mustard” we know and love (to hate) was introduced by the R.T. French Company.

Fun Mustard Fact: In the 13th century the town of Dijon, France became a mustard making sensation! Hence, where “Dijon Mustard” came from!

So much to know about mustard! Who would have thought? Now that you’re thinking all things mustard, before you head to the kitchen to make that sandwich, fill out the daily poll! To do so, click here

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