Monday, September 23, 2013

National Celebrate Bisexuality Day

It’s National Celebrate Bisexuality Day today. 

This celebration was first observed in 1999, after GLAAD established that it was important to bring awareness to the bisexual community. Through this initiative, GLAAD has helped to dispel several myths and stereotypes about this sexual orientation. While this is still a relatively unheard of Day, it is one that is certainly of importance, particularly as this day any age society continues to discriminate this group, along with others in the LGBT community. 

If you ask me, it’s foolish. People should just accept that some people like boys, and others like girls, and some like both. So long as this does not mean that anyone who identifies as being bisexual, homosexual, transgendered, whatever do not participate in such activities as murder, torturing children, animals or any other living thing, participating in hate crimes or other such activities, I really don’t have a problem with how anyone lives their life. Because, as I just said its their life. So, why should I be allowed to determine how anyone other than myself lives his or her life? Why does this even have to be a thing we need to draw attention to? I mean, why can’t we just be people? Why do we have to categorize everyone? It just seems to me that we’d all get a long better if we just stopped labeling every little detail about a person as a means of determining their value in society. So, let’s just make today a day without discrimination of any form. Let’s use this day to make the world a better place. Okay?

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