Saturday, July 06, 2013

National Fried Chicken Day

Happy National Fried Chicken Day! 

Fried chicken is a dish consisting of chicken pieces usually from broiler chickens which have been floured or battered and then pan-fried, deep fried, or pressure fried.” Apparently the act of frying things with a batter originates from Europe during the middle ages, however, it was the Scottish immigrants that brought it to the United States.

This heart-attack inducing delight suffers from some unfortunate history. Fried chicken became a staple food upon its introduction to the southern States. Many slaves, during the slave trade, that were given the task of being cooks were requested to make this dish, often adding various spices and flavourings to improve the way it tasted. In present day, this has led to many racial slurs and terms as a result. Silly how this day and age we can’t just be people. I mean, I have no idea what it is like to be racial discriminated, and I may very well be talking out of place here, but seriously – it’s 2013! It’s time to grow up! Let’s move away from this negative past and become stronger and better. Skin pigmentation has to stop being the basis for segregation in ALL of its forms! As does sexual orientation, gender, height, weight, whatever! We are all the same species at the end of the day. Let’s start acting like it! End. Rant.

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