Sunday, July 21, 2013

National Tug-of-War Tournament Day

So, apparently we’re on a competitive roll now, for it’s National Tug-of-War Tournament Day! We’ll have to pull out all of the stops for this one! …sorry! I had to!

Tug-of-war is “a sport that directly pits two teams against each other in a test of strength.” The origins of this game aren’t known, but speculation suggests that it began somewhere in Egypt and China as a means of settling disputes. Now, as a sporting activity, rules are an important part of an enjoyable game – and they are quite clear. For example:

-       Each team must have 8 players.
-       The rope must have a center line, and 2 markings at four feet from this center line.
-       The team that pulls the other team closest to the center line wins. However, all members must be standing, otherwise they incur a foul (team members falling or sitting).

Fun Tug-of-War Fact: Did you know that Tug-of-War was an Olympic sport from 1900 – 1920? Well, now you do!

As much as this game can be a blast for all ages, there is no shortage of injuries that can occur! Seriously! Just do a Google search for said injuries! Like, right now! Come on…what are you waiting for? I’m not playing with you here! It’s a celebration of tournaments! Study up and get ready for yours! Don’t wanna get hurt? Click here and vote on today’s poll!

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